My little bundle of Joy

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday 23 June 2013

No longer a baby

When I started this blog I wanted to post everything that my daughter had been doing growing up. One thing led to another and I got busy with life. Things were just all over the place and I was all over the place. Moving from one part of Europe to another and back again. Who knows, I might move once more. My little one has been amazing through it all. Our lives, according to some self righteous people, do not seem stable. I agree that this is not the best way to raise a child, always on the move but I believe the experience she gains from this is the best gift she can ever have.

In a hotel in Cricklewood when we first moved to UK
One thing's for sure, she's brought more content and more meaning in my life than I could ever imagine. I try to do my very best for her to guide her through life. I believe that learning through experience is a wonderful gift any parent could give to their child. I love you my little soldier! Thank you for giving me a chance to experience life with you, here's to many more years to come and lots of milestones to achieve and hurdles to cross. You'll never be alone in your journey to growing up. Love Mama and Daddy!